In this post I show how to add extra details to Serilog.AspNetCore's request logging middleware, such as the host name or the selected Endpoint name.
Microsoft added a lot of new syntax goodies in their latest release of C#, namely: index from the end, range operator, null coalescing operator, using variables, verbatim string with interpolation
Gatsby React Scroll toTop. Built with React Hooks, Styled Components and Love
GitHub announced yesterday that the company's new mobile application for Google Android and Apple iOS has been released as a stable version for both operating systems.
A workshop for moving through the various new pieces in ASP.NET Core Authorization - blowdart/AspNetAuthorizationWorkshop
According to a recent report from Nightwatch Cybersecurity, Google’s Authenticator app for Android comes with an unfixed issue that can create a big security nightmare if you have any malware or otherwise shifty apps installed on your device. (The Microsoft Authenticator app for Android also shares the same issue, so don’t switch to that app either, for now.)
At least 20 ad-blocking and virtual private network (VPN) apps owned by analytics firm Sensor Tower may have been secretly spying on users’ phones, according to a BuzzFeed News investigation on Monday.
There are several ways of bootstrapping your MVC applications on top of ASP.NET Core 3.x...
Session is a new open-source messenger app that addresses this issue and doesn't require your phone number to work. Session is technically a fork of another quite popular private messenger Signal. It is available for Android, iOS as well as PC.