This four-part series covers how to create single element loaders with minimal code while using modern CSS techniques.
Could this be the biggest upgrade in Angular’s history? Alyssa Nicoll seems to think so (with a few asterisks)—see why!
Node.js® is a JavaScript runtime built on Chrome's V8 JavaScript engine.
This blog post will demonstrate how Azure Form Recognizer client library can be used to eliminate manual tasks for end user when completing web forms. In this example, the user uploads a passport, which is parsed to obtain relevant data that can be used to automatically populates the form fields. This saves the end user time and provides a better user experience.
In this post, I describe how to use round-robin DNS using HttpClient in a .NET application.
Join @patrickbrosset on #30DaysOfSWA to explore Debugging, Perf, #Accessibility for @AzureStaticApps using @MSEdgeDev #DevTools on @code. Tagged with staticwebapps, beginners, msedge, javascript.